Sunday, 9 May 2010

Islamic Dress

An important aspect of religion that must be observed is the Islamic code of dress for both men and women. The appearance is a sign of what one has in the heart. Therefore, the unique Islamic code of dress is one of many things that differentiate Muslims and Non-Muslims.


From amongst the infinite bounties of Allah Ta’ala, clothes are also a great bounty. Allah Ta’ala mentions this fact in the Holy Qur'an expressing his favour on mankind. The Almighty says:

“O Children of Adam! We have sent down upon you a dress which may conceal your shameful parts and sent down feathers (or splendid garments) and the dress of piety (Taqwa) that is the best of all.” (Surah A'araf, Verse 26)

Today, people are dressing totally against what Allah Ta’ala has mentioned.

Sunnah Clothing

Islam has got no fixed standards of dress as dress is regulated by necessities according to geographical conditions of countries. In cold conditions, warm clothes are necessary for the protection of the body. Similarly, in hot countries, thin clothes are mostly the norm. This does not mean that we take to wearing clothes so thin, that wearing just them reaches almost to nakedness, which is undoubtedly unlawful in Islam.

Our main object of wearing clothes is covering our Satr (private parts) and protection of the body from hot and cold conditions. The Satr has been defined as the parts of the person which is indecent to expose. For a man this is what consists between the navel and the knee. It is the entire body for a female except the palms.

Shirts and Robes

The Holy Prophet (saw) used a single long robe and recommended it for others, as it covers the major portion of the body.

Stockings and Socks

The Holy Prophet (saw) used socks for protection of his feet from heat, cold and pricking shrubs on the way. He also wore leather socks. He also showed us how to wear shoes by wearing the right shoe first then the left. And when removing them vice versa.

Various Points to Ponder Upon

The most important points in the Hadith of Rasulullah (saw) regarding dressing are:

1) The clothes should conceal the body adequately.

2) They should impart dignity and good looks.

3) They should not fail to satisfy the requirements of adequate concealment of the body.

4) Nor should they be so ugly and clumsy that instead of enhancing beauty, they mar the wearer's appearance.

Women Clothing

A woman must ensure that her clothing does not resemble that of men and vice-versa nor should the clothing resemble the peculiar dress of the disbelievers.

Allah Ta’ala mention in the Qur'an:

“O Prophet (saw)! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw over them their cloaks (veils). That in the least so that they be recognised and not be molested.” (Surah Ahzaab, Verse 59)

“And remain within you homes and do not make an exhibition (of yourselves) like the displays (of the immoral women) of former times of ignorance.” (Surah Ahzaab)

Rasulullah (saw) has given a warning against wearing transparent clothing which makes the body visible or light clothing which emphasizes or highlights the figure of the body. He said,

“Many women are clothed but naked in reality. Such women will never enter paradise nor will they smell its fragrance.”

Even transparent and netted scarves are worn to deliberately display hair and parts of the body. Women who wear transparent or tight-fitting clothing should reflect over Rasulullah's (saw) remark that such women are in fact naked!. How shameful indeed to remain naked in this world and as a consequence, they won't even smell the fragrance of paradise.


Clothes should be considered a great bounty of Allah Ta’ala and one should wear them and express thanks. Undoubtedly if all clothes are worn whilst taking heed of the divine laws of Allah, it will assume a degree if Ibadah and lean to the nearness of Allah Ta’ala.

The Prophet (saw) said:

“Whosoever utters the following supplication after wearing clothes, all his past sins will be forgiven- All praises are due to Allah who clothed me with this and which He bestowed upon me without any toil and effort on my part.”

The object of this discussion is to encourage the Ummah of Rasullullah (saw) to act upon the divine ordinances of Allah and to be concerned about the spiritual and physical reformation of all of us.

“And Only Allah gives divine guidance and He is the True Helper.”

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