Assalamu Alaykum,
This mesage has instructions from world-leading scholars (Mufti Taqi Uthmani of
I will divide this post into two sections:
1) Facebook
2) Alternatives to Facebook
Please try and take out time to read this as, after all, it is about our beloved Prophet .
Facebook - permanently delete
We all know what has happened recently on Facebook regarding the cartoons, so there is nothing much to say here. Many of us may have deactivated our Facebook account for a day, maybe a week, but the scholars of Islam have advised us to go one step further and completely rid our Facebook account.
One of the leading scholars today, Mufti Taqi Usthmani db spoke about it, the talk is in Urdu and can be found at this link. A short summary in English is below:
In today's Friday khutbah at the Baitul Mukarram mosque in
He went on to say that this (Facebook contest) is a challenge to the Muslims of today from the West and he basically said a befitting reply needs to be given effecting their financial interests, i.e., their most worshiped idol. (Note: This is what the Deobandis advocate, they do not advocate pacifism in times such as these). By that he meant that if the entire Muslim populace boycotts such sites, they will naturally lose money and that this would a response which would hurt them the most.
Mufti Taqi Usmani said that it is good that Facebook was banned by the authorities in
Another leading scholar, Mufti Ebrahim Desai db, has also invited us towards the same message:
In the name of Allāh, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalāmu ῾alaykum wa Rahmatullāhi Wabarakātuh
The issue of Facebook and their latest antics against our Beloved Muhammad sallallāhu ῾alayhi wasallam has angered and frustrated the Muslim Ummah. The reaction of the Muslim Ummah in the face of such blasphemy is appreciated. This malevolence is not foreign to Islam and the Muslims. During the time of our beloved Muhammad sallallāhu ῾alayhi wasallam, individuals like Ka’ab Bin Ashraf , Abu Lahab, his wife and others were also guilty of defaming our Prophet sallallāhu ῾alayhi wasallam. Their fate is known to all.
Our responsibility as Muslims and lovers of our beloved Muhammad sallallāhu ῾alayhi wasallam is as follows:
1. To delete Facebook accounts and any other media that deems it acceptable to disrespect our beloved Rasoolullah sallallāhu ῾alayhi wasallam and never to reactivate them again.
2. To inform others of the above as well.
3. Deleting facebook is one form of expressing our love for Rasoolullah sallallāhu ῾alayhi wasallam . However, objective love of Rasoolullah sallallāhu ῾alayhi wasallam is to inculcate his teachings in our life.
4. Make dua for guidance of the involved individuals.
لو كان حبك صادقا لأطعته
إن المحب لمن يحب مطيع
Had your love been true, then you would have surely obeyed him
For indeed, a lover is most obedient to his beloved
Let’s prove our obedience!!!
Wassalāmu ῾alaykum
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Dārul Iftā, Madrasah In῾āmiyyah
Lastly, Mufti Zubair of Bradford, has spoken of the same message. The talk is in English and can be listened to here.
Facebook may be attractive, it may be that all our friends may be there, Farmville may be a very addictive game, but what is all this in comparison to the honour of Rasulullah ? The thought of Rasulullah standing in prayer at night until his feet were swollen surely is enough to understand and realise the sacrifice he made for us? Permanently deleting a facebook account cannot even come close to that level. But we can all try and show our love. Instead of just deactivating, why not permanently delete it as advised by our scholars?
How to delete? Visit http://www.wikihow.com/Permanently-Dele ... ok-Account
Alternatives to Facebook
It might be time to notice our other hobbies and talents and focus on them. There are many things one can do to occupy ones time, for example, sports, learning to make something, reading the Seerah of the beloved Messenger .
If it has to be based around the internet, then why not join an Islamic forum instead? There are many out there, with a few according to true Islamic principles, so utilise your typing and reading status skills by using a halal alternative.
Or for example, this website offers free radio usage. If you are good at speaking, why not book a slot to talk at an Islamic show? Or if you have expertise in a field, for example, health and fitness, talk about that to educate the Muslim listeners. If you are a Hafiz e Qur'an or Alim, you can recite the Qur'an or do a short talk.
Alternatively, you can use your internet time to gather good quality material about Islam that can be spread to those who have misconceptions about it. Or you could use that time to educate yourself or connect with others online and educate yourself about Islam. Facebook is just a distraction from all these important things. Take time out to read the virtues of seeking knowledge, then act upon them. one will never regret deleting their Facebook account.
He stood up for me in the depth of the night
It's time for me to return the favour
Facebook is fun, but my Nabi's honour is more
His Sunnah, his way, his beliefs I adore
I pray it is easy for all our Facebook addicts to let go of it.
For reading.
Source: Ad-Deen forum http://the-deen.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=112&t=4105&p=17132#p17132
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