
Saturday, 7 January 2023

Dangerous UK bank deregulation and how to rescue your money

UK banking sector has been unleashed from thebregulations and critics say this may bring a worse financial crisis that 2008 when it had some regulations to follow. 

This report by Islamic Finance Guru  says our money is not safe in the banks. The suggest to invest it in property (such as investing with Aftab Ali Properties LTD (UK) or to invest it somewhere safe.

The U.K. government in December 2022 announced extensive reforms to financial regulation that it says will overhaul EU laws that “choke off growth.” The package of 30 measures includes a relaxation of the rule that requires banks to separate their retail operations from their investment arms.
This measure — first introduced in the wake of the 2008 Financial Crisis — would not apply to retail-focused banks. (CNBC) 

This makes the banks and the Tory banker friends extremely happy but this move is a dangerous move for the common people which may bring a huge calamity where the small people may lose their deposits and savings where they thought is the safest to keep their money- the high street bank accounts. It gives the banks green light to give £100 of loans when they actually have just £1 deposit from a customer, to people who can't even pay it. It makes absolutely no sense. 
A Muslim businessman from London, a director of Black Stone store explained money in the bank is literally a loan to the banks to go and use as leverage for them to make money while they give us measly Haraam 0.5% per annum! 

Sir John Vickers, architect of post-2008 banking reforms, says plans put UK financial stability at risk. (Guardian) 

Even the bank of England warned Rishi Sunak against this city dereulation dive. (Financial Times)
Some steps we all can take:

1. Write to your MP and voice your concern and hold your MP accountable for what he or she is doing about this crisis and matter

2. Make a big fuss on the online platforms or discussions such as the common section of the financial time and raise concern about out this matter

3. Invest in gold or silver or property or property investment company or in a private company savings account. 

Investing in Gold 
The advantage of investing in gold and silver is that that even if every market crashes gold and silver will still keep it value in line with inflation.

The disadvantage of investing in gold and silver is that after you buy it you've got to keep it safe if. It is prone to getting stolen. And it doesn't give you a residual income such as rent that you can get from property a month after month year after year. 

Another thing about Gold and silver is that the asking price and selling price has a difference.

It will only make sense to buy these two commodities if they are kept long term and in a safe place.

Also I would definitely recommend buying at the best price and have a timeframe on when you want to sell as both of these commodities fluctuate added a stocks and shares investment entrepreneur. 

There are also companies out there that keep your gold and silver in a vault for a monthly fee.

And there are also companies that sell you the gold and silver and also offer this service.

Nature of modern money 

Bank of England data from 2020 tells us only 4% of the money in banks is cash. This is a massive problem, in 2008 this nealry broke numerous banks, they were not allowed to fail, peoples money would have been lost. Banks over people.

96% is digital, most certainly used for leveraged products.

How should you invest with your money? 
It is best to have money in assets like property, stocks, and business stock, unless you're really fancy and into Arts and collector's items. If you have millions, create trust funds, Tax efficient models.

If you are into stocks and shares I think a good place to take advice is from Warren Buffett. Read his books and watch his discussions online.

If you are property interpreter a good place to take advice would be from Robert Kiyosaki.

One of the emerging companies that is getting increasing attention is Aftab Ali Properties LTD.  

(Aftab Ali Properties's latest project) 

Islamic Finance Guru 

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