
Friday, 3 December 2021

Steps to success

If you are a Muslim.and want to be successful in life do these things.

1. Fix up your 5 daily prayers, pray on time everyday

2. Amend your sleeping and waking up routine which reflects the Isha and Fajr time

3. Get rid of social media or anything that is not beneficial in your life and wastes time

4. Read Qur'an everyday

5. Remember Allah all the time, every action you do know that he is watching and hearing everything

6. Avoid chit chat, and unnecessary gossip or talking about other people, it will not help you in this world or the next

7. Don't blame others for your mistakes, if you made any mistakes, accept them and learn not to do that again

8. Have a routine, a proper timetable

9. Control your budgets

10. Control your eating habits, eat what is only necessary that your body needs

11. Lose weight if you are overweight or obese, 80% of weight loss is portion control of food

12. When you make a promise, keep it

13. Don't put burden on any other soul as that soul will complain to Allah and you will be in trouble in front of Allah when you meet him in Akhira

Remember these points, I'm sure there are plenty more.

One important thing to remember is anything that we do, we should always think if that thing is halal or haram, if Allah will be happy with it or not.
By: Aminul Hussain 

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