Friday 2 July 2021

Friday in Islam

Abu Sa’id reported: The Prophet ﷺ said:
“If anyone recites Sūrah al-Kahf (Qur’ān chapter 18) on Friday, light will shine brightly for him till the next Friday.”
The Ulama agree that Friday begins from the start of Maghrib on Thursday and lasts until the end of Asr on Friday, therefore you can read Surah al-Kahf tonight and fulfill the requirements of the hadith!

Here are a list of some more Friday Sunnah’s that you should do to maximise the reward you get on the most blessed day of the week:

Invoking blessings on the Prophet Muhammad PBUH abundantly

Have a Ghusl (bath/shower) in the morning

Take care of your personal hygiene - clip nails, remove unwanted hair, use the miswak

Wear your nice clothes for Jumu’ah

Men should apply perfume before going to Jumu’ah prayers

Go to Jumu’ah prayer and listen attentively to the Khutbah

Make a lot of du’a - especially in the last hour before Maghrib begins