
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Fatwa on Dr. Farhat Hashmi by Mufti Taqi Usmani

The View of Mufti Taqi Uthmani D.B and other eminent scholars regarding Farhat Hashmi

Dr. Farhat Hashmi is not a scholar of religion or an Alima. She has some very strange views in matters of Deen. Please warn sisters to beware of what she teaches as we have to learn Deen from correct sources. Some of her incorrect views are as follows:
* women can travel countries without a Mahram man (husband/father etc)
* you do not need to do Qadha of previously missed Salah/ prayer
* reading Surah Yasin daily is of no use and virtue
* Nafil Salah like Awwabeen/ Duha (Chasht) etc are baseless.
The womenfolk must be informed of this so that our sisters are not misguided by this deviant woman. Below is a fatwa of mufti Taqi Usmani (senior mufti in the world in current times in Arab and non Arab world) regarding her views.

Be aware that Dr. Farhat Hashmi is not a scholar of religion and has not studied the Deen under any qualified and reliable Ulama. Rather she has studied and attained a PHD in Islamic Studies at the University of Glasgow. Her talks and lectures have gained a lot of fame and popularity amongst the public. All Muslims should be aware that many of Dr. Farhat Hashmi's teachings are based on ignorance from true knowledge of the Quran and Hadith, and conflict with the consensus and practice of the Ummah since 1400 years. Below are some of her deviant teachings.
Dr. Farhat Hashmi claims that "it is not permissible for one to follow one of the four schools of thought of Islamic Jurisprudence. Rather, one should follow one's own understanding and interpretation of the Qur’an and Hadith." She claims that "to follow one of the four Imams is sheer ignorance." We ask her, was the practice of the Ummah since 1400 years based on sheer ignorance?
She claims that "if someone has a lot of Salah to make up for, there is no need to make up for them, and to do Taubah is enough." All four schools of thought are unanimous on the fact that if one has missed a Salah, he should make up for it (Qadha) as soon as he can. It is narrated in the Hadith of Muslim that the Prophet of Allah Salla Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said, “Whosoever from amongst you misses his Salah due to sleep, or forgets to pray, then he should perform it as soon as he remembers.”
She teaches that "after learning the translation and brief meaning of the Quran, one is able to interpret and extract rules from the Holy Quran from his own understanding." Whereas the Prophet of Allah Salla Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said, “Whosoever interprets the Holy Quran through his own opinion, then he has erred even though he may have interpreted it correctly."
She teaches that "it is permissible for a woman in her menses to recite the Holy Quran, and that she is allowed to touch the Quran using gloves." Whereas the Prophet of Allah Salla Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam says in the narration of Ibn Majah the “The one in a state of impurity, and the one in her menses should not recite the Holy Quran. Imam Tirmizi R.A mentions that that this was the opinion of the majority of the people of knowledge, the Companions R.A and the Tabieen. Regarding this, Dr. Farhat Hashmi says "who are these people to place such self made restrictions on us women?" How can one make such a statement regarding the Sahabah, and Tabieen? We seek Allah's refuge from such statements.
As you can see, such teachings are far from the true Deen and show how little understanding Dr. Farhat Hashmi has of the Shariah. It seems she wants the Ummah to lose their trust on the God Fearing and eminent Ulama who spent their entire lives learning and teaching the Deen, and to place their trust on her teachings and follow some new sort of modern Deen which invites anyone and everyone to pick up the Quran and the Ahaadith and make an interpretation according to their own understanding. Such people and teachings are a test to the Ummah. We should realise this and stay away from such people and teachings. Brothers and sisters should be warned to stay away from such teachings, and adhere to the teachings of the rightly guided scholars.
Check the link below for more detailed Fatawa regarding her.
May Allah Ta'ala give us all true awareness and keep us steadfast on the straight path. Ameen.a


  1. To Sister Farhat.. Please correct your negatives.
    To Other Muslims.. Take her positives.

  2. with all due respect, doc farhat hasmi's opinions have been misquoted here. she does not say all of these things, as they are mentioned above. for example, she says that if a muslim has not prayer all his life, due to being away from religion, then when he gets guidance from Allah and he starts to pray, then he should not worry about the missed prayers and expect Allah to forgive those. but from now onwards, he should start praying regularly. she is against the opinion that 1 long prayer, called qaza-e-umari can make up for all the missed prayrs of one's life. but she is not against qaza namaz in general, becuase it is clearly stated in hadith that its allowed.

  3. What a dumb website. Misquoting a woman. Probably jealous because she is more knowledgeable than the majority of men.

    1. Mr zeeshan you thinks its because of ur lack of knowledge first read why this is not about more knowledge this is about misleading

    2. 100 % true, this is really misquoting, but I will say this is بہتان. I ve listened to her for so many years, she never said something like that. The writer of this misquoting don't know her and so misguiding other people too

  4. 1. As for women not needing a mahram when traveling, I hope there is a mistake in your understanding of her words.

    2.Scholars are in disagreement whether one needs to pray ALL the salat one missed or not. Some say, yes, if you were upon jahiliyyah and did not pray you must make up all the estimated missed salat as possible, while others say, if you make sincere tawbah and tread a good path and change, ALLAH will forgive you your sins. So if she sticks to the 2nd opinion, which is the same I hold onto there is nothing wrong with this, as many scholars are upon this opinion as well.

    3.Reading surah Yasin daily is NOT Sunnah. There are few weak/da'if hadith, and not 1 authentic hadith, nor anything by the sahaba or the tabi'een to give its daily recitation any authenticity, and because of this, we say it is not Sunnah and thus it is rejected.

    4. Following a madhab. It is NOT impermissible. But it is also NOT obligatory to follow JUST one madhab. You may follow bits of authentic parts from each madhab. But if you choose to follow a madhab, that is also fine but if you hear a hadith that is authentic about how to pray,for example, then you must change your old way of prayer and follow this hadith even if it might be from another madhab. (If I have not made myself clear, please do see

    5. According to the scholars, reciting Quran for women during their menses is PERMISSIBLE. Why? Because menses are a minor impurity, while major impurity is kufr, but ALLAH says in the Quran that a believer never becomes impure. As for holding Quran with gloves, this is an opinion which many scholars are upon, which I also adhere to. So there is nothing wrong woth what she said as far as you have listed.

    To make myself clear, I am in no way affiliated with sister Farhat Hashmi. I have not, nor do I attend or listen to her classes/videos,etc.

    1. according to which scholars it is permissible to recite Quran during periods?

  5. i think you have misunderstood her... what you quoted her saying is not what she said or meant... you are wrong brother... check your sources... dr. farhat hashmi may not be a certified aalima... but her knowledge of authentic and weak hadith is strong maashaaAllaah
