
Sunday, 24 February 2013

Worse than the Civil war in Bangladesh

The onslaught against Islam and anyone calling for it in Bangladesh has reached an unprecedented height. It was described by a journalist from Bangladesh, as “worse than living through the civil war”. Yet many people are unaware of what’s going on.  

A brother from Zaki-Ganj, Sylhet told us “Today Awami Leaguers broke our community center in our local Bazaar because the Islamic programs take place there”.

Today in Manik-Ginj, the police and Awali league thugs opened fire with live ammunition at Khelafat Majlis demonstration and killed five our brothers” said an official of Khelafat Majlis (An Islamic movement in Bangladesh).

Yesterday, nine people were martyred including 5 male and one female members of Khelafat Majlis, during a protest against the atheist blasphemers and their sponsors, the tyrannical government.

Hadhrat Mawlana Noor-e-Alam Hamidi of Hifazat-e-Islam (an Islamic organisation in Bangladesh) was arrested and tortured because he has protested against the ‘Murtad’ atheists who dared to write unspeakable and blasphemous words against the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).           


  1. My point to you is that " Dhormiyo Onuvuthi shudhu amaader Muslim der shudhu noi...shob dhormer sheta equal right" My own vision ...I am born as human being to portray humanity from the rightful teaching of the Holy Quran and any good sermon of human values from any source.!!
    Yet, in this dreadful tragic drama of internecine conflict neither of the contending protagonists will be the winner. There will be no spoils of victory for them. The losers will be the country, its people. Women’s empowerment and dignity will suffer. Above all, there is no glory in presiding over the liquidation of one’s own country.
    The winners will be the forces of evil darkness and decadence over good light and progress. The winners will be falsehood, prejudice and bigotry over truth, freedom, creativity, art and culture, poetry, music and beauty, everything for which life is worth living.
    You should be proud to be a good human being...
    Teachings of Quran about the Human Rights.
    Man has been given certain rights by Almighty Allah. The issue of Human Rights has been addressed in Holy Quran in great detail. Every human being irrespective of the age, sex, color, race, religion, land and nationality is entitled to the basic human rights defined by Almighty Allah in Quran. Quran has equally ranked the entire humanity in reference to the human rights.

    Quran Says “Every human child is equally worthy of respect, thus on account of one's genesis there can be no discrimination; there is no difference between one man and the other: (17:70)”. These rights have been given to man by Allah Almighty and no ruler or emperor can abolish them.

  2. There has been no onslaught on Islam as you are emphasising but rather a unislamic onslaught on the constitution and a religious fervor that is taking us back to middleages of Islamic barbarity
