
Monday, 5 March 2012

Bashar al-Assad and Syria

 Is Basher al-Assad a tyrant or a president? What are his beliefs? What is his position in Islam? How did he manage to acquire his position?

He is the dictator leader of Syria. He was educated in the UK and married an English wife. He belongs to the Shia sect of Nusairi, other wise known as Alawi. Nusairis are known to be Non-Muslims therefore they have changed their name to Alawi, they claim ‘we are Alawis’. 

There are two main types of Muslims in the world as known to people, Sunni and Shia. 

Assad’s belief
Within the Shia sect, there are many groups and sub-sects, hence is the name Shia (which means groups). They all differ from each other in beliefs and ideologies. Some of its sects are out side the fold of Islam and some are not. Clearly, the Nusairis are out side the fold of Islam because they believe the 4th Khalifa of Islam, Hadrat Ali (Radhiyallahu-Anhu) was a god and his sons were gods and so were other Imams of their. Another Kufri belief they have is that Islam is a thing that happened in the past and that there is no need for it anymore. They claim Islam is only for the days when there were swords, tents and camels. [Astaghfirullah]

Assad’s Government
The Nusais or Alawis are a small group of people in Syria. The vast majority of the people are Sunni Muslims but somehow they have managed to get control over the country. The Kafir government of Syria treats it people worse than animals. If told of some of the things they do to the innocent Muslims, it will not be believed that anyone can do such things their own people.

How did he become the president?
Before Assad, his father was the president of Syria. When his father died, he was the army general of Syria and he selected himself as the president (if you want to call him that, I call him a tyrant). Ironically he shouldn’t have been the president (according to them presidency stays within the family like monarchy) because he had an older brother who was 40. According to the Syrian constitution of that time, a president cannot be a president unless and until he is 40. His older brother was 40 but he died also. Then the family was left with only Bashar but he was only 34 years of age at that time. He went to with some forces to their “parliament” and said ‘from today we will change the constitution to say that a person to be a president, he must be at least 34, does everyone agree?’ everyone said they agree. This incident was recorded under the fastest clause of a constitution to be changed.

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