The UK Government plan to introduce near naked body scanners in UK airports as part of security.
These body scanners are likely to be highly intrusive showing the outline of people’s genitals. It is an unreasonable restriction and a violation of basic human rights!
The Department for Transport currently have a consultation taking place in regards to these body scanners; it has poorly been advertised so we need your help to convey this message to your contacts.
It calls upon "stakeholders", which in real terms means any UK resident, to write to the Department if they have an issue with the body scanners to convey their opinions as well as any suggestions for change.
We have another opportunity available and that is to have the option to "pat down" as is being done in the US. It is very important that every UK resident reading this email speaks up and makes their views known our silence will be presented as tacit approval.
Our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) has adviced us:
"Whoever amongst you sees anything objectionable, let him change it with his hand, if he is not able, then with his tongue, and if he is not even able to do so, then with his heart, and the latter is the weakest form of faith." (Muslim)
Imposing naked scanning on the UK population is objectionable and we - each and every one of us - has a duty to attempt to change it.
Action - Deadline June 21
(1) Please email Mike Alcock of the Department for Transport today:
Or post a letter to:
Mike Alcock
Department for Transport
Zone 5/12
Victoria Street
London SW1E 6DT
Letter template provided below.
Please take the time to personalise your email as this carries greater impact. You can do this by adding an extra paragraph expressing your disapproval of the scanners as it goes against your moral and religious beliefs and suggest that, at the very least, a pat-down should be offered in place of a scan. Also, please ensure that you mention you are a private individual and not as part of an organisation.
(2) Forward this message to your contacts
As a society, when we decide that those in authority have the right to demand that private citizens unwillingly expose themselves - a barrier of shame and decency is breached. Once this becomes the norm, there is no knowing how low society will stoop?
Jazakumallahu khair
May Allah protect us from the fitan of this life and the hereafter, Ameen.
Asalaamualaykum warahmatullah
Dear Mr Alcock,
Hi, my name is ____________________.
I am writing to you to express my concern over the nude body airport scanners. I disapprove of, and oppose, such scanners on the grounds of violation of privacy and human dignity. After considering the numerous reports which explain the functionality of these scanners, they are a clear demonstration of immorality and infringe upon the personal rights of passengers.
Britain has always been a country which has protected human rights, and I value my right not to be physically exposed to others, whether in front of a male security officer or a female one. How can the trivialization and legal enforcement of nudity, along with the infringement of people's rights, be justified by the unsubstantiated pretext that it will make us all be safer? It goes against any semblance of a civilised society to force nudity on citizens.
I fully support necessary measures which enhance the safety and protection of all passengers. I am, however, concerned about the use of the intrusive body scanners for this purpose. The citizens of this country, as educated and cultured people, should not be put in a position where we have to choose between our security and our dignity. It is totally unnecessary, especially given that other technologies exist which are proven to detect the presence of questionable materials without infringing upon the modesty of passengers and humiliating them.
I would appreciate the option of a pat-down search (when needed) for those passengers whose modesty and dignity prevents them from being subjected to a naked body scan. This alternative has already been implemented in the United States.
Thank you for your time.
Yours sincerely,