What is the truth behind the death of Usama Bin Laden? Is he really dead and is he really under the sea?
Everyone knows that the CIA and the governments are good at conspiracy and manipulating minds. One time Saddam is the hero, then next he becomes the most dangerous person and when they have destroyed the country they find out he has no weapons. Likewise when laden was fighting in their interest against the Russians, he and the Taliban’s were portrayed as the greatest heroes and now the greatest terrorist. This is why it is very commonly said that one man’s terrorist is another man’s hero. In this world of conspiracy and corruption it is v difficult to say who the goody is and who is the baddy.
If they are not showing pictures because people will still not believe and it’s going to be a waste of money, then why do they spend millions showing videos of 9/11, 7/7, and any other attacks? They showed pictures of Saddam, trialled him and also did the same with other terrorist. Whatever is the reason, they should not go out of their principle. Moreover, they should throw all their excuses in the bin and give the people the truth and what they are entitled to, because the army and all other operations are being funded by the people, they have a right to know all the facts and truth.
Of course the president is not that foolish to proclaim that he is dead when he is not because or else they will be humiliated later. However the big possibility is that Bin Laden had died a natural death ages ago, they were fully aware of it, but carried on with the war for their oil and other political motives. Now that they want to bring back the troops, their using this as an excuse. If they say he was dead before people will condemn them and if they say they are coming back without killing him then it’s a humiliation for them.
Its absolutely bizarre and impossible that such a popular person to capture whom millions of pounds have been spent, and the whole world has changed, would just be buried like that without taking any pictures etc. after all he is not just an issue for USA and UK, all the governments in the world have contributed in fighting him, so they all have the right to see. Even the Pakistani government should have a say in how his body should be treated, as it took place in their country. In fact in the UK and even in Pakistan, millions of bodies are delayed from burial so that people can see it or investigations could be carried out, so there was no need to rush his burial.
The Pakistani people are not protesting for the sake of Bin Laden, they are protesting for justice. Justice should be given to everyone. Just like we had the vote whether to give the criminals the right to vote or not, it is not right to say that some Mps supported the criminals. They just wanted justice. Also we even see in the UK people demanding justice for even rapists and murderers.
This is why I keep quiet, and do not deny what the media and governments says without solid evidence, nor believe what they say, without solid evidence.
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